
Decisions & Consequences

I recently finished reading The Road Less StupidIn his book, Keith Cunningham offers advice, based on real-life experience, on how to avoid the dumb mistakes that sabotage growth, profits, and business success! The title is what made me buy the book because I feel I have traveled the STUPID ROAD more than anyone I know!

Here are some quotes from the book that you may find interesting, and possibly helpful:

  • “Generalizations Kill Clarity.”
  • “Governing by consensus always produces mediocrity.”
  • “Ordinary Things, Consistently Done, Produce Extraordinary Results!”
  • “We would all be better off if we had fewer goals and more standards.”
  • “You get what you tolerate.”
  • “Goal setters tend to fall in love with the goal instead of falling in love with the things that need to be done to accomplish the goal.” 
  • “What guardrails do I need to build to keep intruders including salesmen, irrelevant phone calls, random emails, etc. from sabotaging my day?”
  • “The only constant in business is change.”

Sorry for highjacking one minute of your day, but I do hope some of these resonate with you as much as they did with me and that you got more than you invested. 

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