
Earning Your Reputation

“The most valuable asset that a company has is its reputation.”

Dr. Theodore Leavitt, Dean of the Harvard Business School

Like people, companies develop a reputation. Dr. Leavett is advocating that a good reputation is the most significant contributor to a company’s long-term success. What he does not state is that a poor reputation will lead a company (or an individual) down a treacherous path that will eventually end without warning at the edge of a cliff. Those that survive after going off of that cliff will be bruised and battered, and rest assured the climb back will be tough.

“A reputation is like fine china, expensive to acquire, and easily broken.”

Peter Kiewit, Founder Kiewit Corporation

According to Peter Kiewit, a good reputation takes time, effort and hard work to build and maintain. On the other hand, it’s far easier to earn a poor reputation, and once earned, there will always be questions about how reputable an individual or company is. Like many companies, Standard works hard to maintain a great reputation. It’s all about doing the right thing, and doing the right thing as far as a company goes, starts with hiring good people, of strong character, who are committed to our customer’s success.

“A great business is seldom if ever built up, except on the lines of the strictest integrity.”

Andrew Carnegie, Founder of Carnegie Steel

Problems will inevitably arise because that’s part of life and business. The key is how we respond to problems. We have a saying at Standard; “If something goes wrong, we’ll make it right.” It’s all about doing the right thing. When a problem arises, those with a high level of integrity step up, acknowledge the problem, and resolve it quickly, to the customer’s complete satisfaction.

Put Standard Commercial Roofing and Envelope Solutions to work for your organization and let us earn our reputation for doing the right things for the right reasons.

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