
The Vital Role of Experienced Installation Crews - Complicated and Challenging Part 2

As stressed in Part 1 of this series, correctly determining the labor portion of a project estimate is critical to the selected contractor’s ability to provide appropriately experienced installation crews and project supervisors. Those experienced installation crews and project supervisors will help ensure that projects are completed properly, but they will also go a long way to help ensure projects are completed safely.

Experienced installation crews and project supervisors know what they are doing—they have experience with the type of roof they are installing. That experience provides confidence and a high level of situational awareness. When installation crews and project supervisors don’t have the proper experience, they subsequently have a low level of confidence and reduced situational awareness—they have to figure out what to do next, and therefore, anything out of the ordinary would be a cause for concern. This lack of experience is amplified when these inexperienced workers are on elevated surfaces not designed to accommodate safety concerns. It is almost always further amplified when these inexperienced workers are on elevated surfaces of complicated and challenging commercial reroofing and building envelope maintenance projects.

On the rooftop, Standard understands what it takes to stay safe. We know that eliminating as much danger as possible from a project will help ensure the safety of the workers, the building occupants, and the general public. Handling complicated and challenging projects is Standard’s specialty, and we know from 75+ years of providing commercial roofing and envelope solutions that there is no shortcut to this process. Proper project safety planning requires taking the time to evaluate a project and planning how the work will be undertaken. Many times, on challenging and complicated projects, some “out-of-the-box” thinking is required, and some consultation among experienced managers and project supervisors is essential to vetting all points of view and determining how to most efficiently complete a project while maintaining the highest level of “on-the-job” safety as possible.


If you have any questions or comments, please email me, Pete Taylor, Chairman of the Board and CEO of Standard, at:

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