
We Are Problem Solvers

At Standard, we thrive on solving complicated problems for our customers. Whether it’s a challenging new commercial roof or a complex building envelope project, every Standard employee must be committed every day – 24 / 7 / 365 – with a get-it-done attitude. They must be willing to figure things out, and they must be absolutely committed to customer success. Our management team believes in these employee traits so much that it is one of our five Core Values:

Core Value 3. We Are Problem-Solvers

  • Get It Done!
  • Willingness To Figure Things Out
  • Committed To Customer Success

Being a problem solver means that, no matter the complexity or difficulty of the challenges we face daily, we are committed to solving customers’ problems with a long-term, satisfactory resolution. Passing the buck or saying, “This is not my problem,” is unacceptable. All of our customers’ problems with their building envelope are Standard’s problems. Failing to figure them out is a failure by Standard.

If you enjoyed this insight, please continue to the other parts of our Core Values series - We Are Hard Working & Self-MotivatedWe Do the Right Thing, We Maintain Positive Attitudes, and finally, We Are Customer-Focused


If you have any questions or comments, please email me, Pete Taylor, CEO and Chairman of the Board at Standard, at:

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