
We Do the Right Thing

At Standard, Doing the Right Thing first and foremost means being Safety-Focused. Having a relentless focus on maintaining a safety-first culture is the right thing to do for our employees and our focus on safety helps ensure success for our customers. Everyone appreciates attention to administrative details and quality workmanship so this is the basis for Quality Minded as a tenant of our Do The Right Thing Core Value. Community Involvement speaks to the value of investing in the communities we serve. And the final two tenants of our Do The Right Thing Core Value are Honesty In All We Do and always being Ethical. These two tenants may seem like they should be given, but one example of the power of having core values with defined tenants is that, as we review these core values with new hires, we are able to emphasize the importance and long-term value Standard places on employees being honest and ethical.

Core Value 2. Do the Right Thing

  • Safety-Focused
  • Honesty In All We Do
  • Quality-Minded
  • Ethical
  • Community Involvement

By every Standard team member committing to always doing the right thing, management is committing to always supporting that team member’s decisions and actions when, if called to question, they can explain to management why they felt that decision or action was the right thing to do.

If you've enjoyed this insight, please continue reading our Core Values Series: We Are Problem SolversWe Are Hard Working and Self-Motivated, We Maintain Positive Attitudes, and We Are Customer-Focused


If you have any questions or comments, please email me, Pete Taylor, CEO and Chairman of the Board at Standard, at:

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