Knowing When To Say “Yes”
The ultimate success of any organization relies primarily on management’s ability to determine when to say “yes” and more importantly when to say “no”. And every good manager knows that they must have the proper information in order to make that judgment.
MORESelecting a Roof System in Uncertain Times
The shortage of just one roof system component can set off a chain reaction of shortages and price spikes of other products that can be utilized in place of a typical component that becomes scarce.
MORE2 Pre-Bid Steps To Roof Replacement Success
Before owners open the first bid from contractors for their project, they need to be sure that contractors who are bidding on the project actually have what they need to fully understand what they are being asked to bid on—that happens by providing a clear scope of work. Then, owners need to be sure they are not evaluating bids from contractors who are not qualified to do the job—that happens through the pre-qualification process.
MOREAccelerate the Adoption of Efficient Building Technologies
During the next few years, with energy efficiency and alternative energy sources a high priority for the federal government, adopting efficient building technologies will be imperative. Learn now how to implement best practices and leverage building envelope resources to ensure the longevity of your work and your client expectations.
MOREHow Building & Roof Maintenance Saves Money
Whether you manage a healthcare, industrial or institutional facility, a maintenance program will save your organization money. The most obvious benefits of building envelope maintenance programs are extending the service life of existing roof systems and preventing minor roof issues from becoming major roof repairs. However, by taking advantage of a comprehensive building envelope maintenance program, you are much more likely to head off potentially costly and unplanned facility downtime due to preventable building envelope failures.
MOREControl Your Re-Roofing Experience
Starting a new project can be an exciting process. Watching a good idea come to fruition from start to finish can give you a great sense of pride in your work, and all who had a part in it. However, before the idea can become a reality, your first job is to find the most qualified contractors and verify their competency with a pre-qualification process as well as provide them with the correct information to ensure they understand every detail of the project and the part they will play in it all. Here at Standard Roofing, we take pride in our detailed process to find the best candidates to ensure client satisfaction as well as to uphold our standard of quality work and service.
MORESupply Chain Disruption Solution
Supply and demand are important components of every functioning business. However, during the recent pandemic, supply chain disruption has become another difficult hurdle to climb and conquer. Interruptions in your supply directly affect your demand, and in turn, your customers. At Standard, we understand how we can help our customers manage through these times.
MOREFacility Resilience
Implementing resilience strategies for your building is beneficial for all facilities. And, when building replacement is an option, owners should ask designers of the new facilities to incorporate measures based on the principles of resilience into facility designs.
MORE3 Truths of Customer Loyalty
Customers are sometimes fickle–they like to explore new things, products, and places when shopping for the best deal. But what makes a customer loyal to a business when they have plenty of similar options? Customers appreciate a business with honest and realistic feedback as well as exceptional customer service. They want to know that they are in good hands and feel confident in your services. Customer loyalty, like your reputation, should be a key goal in the everyday operations of your business. Without it, your business will become a revolving door of inconsistent opportunities.
MOREKnow Your (Cash) Position
Being aware of your financial standing is important regardless of the industry you work in. However, being proactive in intently managing your accounts payable and accounts receivable is what truly matters. To do this, two of the most critical responsibilities of a prudent contractor are managing cash flow and knowing their cash position.