

Why Selective Bidding Pays Off.

Establishing a set of criteria to evaluate construction bidding opportunities will lead to matching the best contractor with the best projects. And this process will lead to the long-term success of the contractor and positive project outcomes for the building owner.


Who’s Responsible for Roof Leaks?

Roofing material suppliers provide a warranty that will cover roof leaks for several years after a roof has been installed. Keep in mind that the length of roof warranties can usually be negotiated before you sign a contract, but what is most important is that you know how long your roof is covered under warranty and how to contact the roof manufacturer in the event of a leak. However, if the leak has been caused by negligent wear and tear of others accessing the roof, you (the owner) will get the bill for the repair.


Making Sure It’s Right–Customer Focused Success Part 5

When there is an issue with a Standard commercial roofing or building envelope project, we are willing to do whatever it takes to ensure that our projects are complete and correct. This has been Standard’s commitment for over 78 years and it will not change.


Jobsite Safety–Customer Focused Success Part 4

Safety is the number one factor that will lead to the successful completion of commercial roofing and building envelope maintenance projects. Because our crews have to work in direct proximity to commercial building occupants, our occupied facility jobsite safety plans have to be holistic.


Jobsite Management–Customer Focused Success Part 3

A sloppy jobsite is not on the list of ways to describe what will likely be a successful project. Words like clean, neat, orderly, safe, and secure are words that would need to be used to describe the jobsites during and after the work day of what will be a successful job.


Identify Potential Issues Before They Are Problems

A contractor should always consult with the owner, discuss any sensitive property or finishes, then do a walkthrough to identify possible issues, before a problem develops. Proper safety, planning, execution, clean-up, and attention to a customer’s property relates directly to how successful a contractor will be over the long term.


2 Pre-Bid Steps To Roof Replacement Success

Before owners open the first bid from contractors for their project, they need to be sure that contractors who are bidding on the project actually have what they need to fully understand what they are being asked to bid on—that happens by providing a clear scope of work. Then, owners need to be sure they are not evaluating bids from contractors who are not qualified to do the job—that happens through the pre-qualification process.


Accelerate the Adoption of Efficient Building Technologies

During the next few years, with energy efficiency and alternative energy sources a high priority for the federal government, adopting efficient building technologies will be imperative. Learn now how to implement best practices and leverage building envelope resources to ensure the longevity of your work and your client expectations. 


How Building & Roof Maintenance Saves Money

Whether you manage a healthcare, industrial or institutional facility, a maintenance program will save your organization money. The most obvious benefits of building envelope maintenance programs are extending the service life of existing roof systems and preventing minor roof issues from becoming major roof repairs. However, by taking advantage of a comprehensive building envelope maintenance program, you are much more likely to head off potentially costly and unplanned facility downtime due to preventable building envelope failures.


Facility Resilience

Implementing resilience strategies for your building is beneficial for all facilities. And, when building replacement is an option, owners should ask designers of the new facilities to incorporate measures based on the principles of resilience into facility designs.


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