

Solving Excessive Negative Building Pressure

Excessive negative building pressure occurs when HVAC systems in a building draw in more air than they expel. Some clues this may be an issue in a building include difficulty opening doors and keeping interior doors closed. Proper design and installation of HVAC systems is critical to minimizing challenges presented by excessive negative pressure issues but adjustments can also be made to HVAC systems in existing buildings to help balance pressure to solve issues that may be causing excess interior moisture entering buildings.


Why Metal Buildings Often Have Excessive Negative Pressure Challenges

Excessive negative building pressure occurs when HVAC systems in a building draw in more air than they expel. This can be a particular challenge in metal buildings when the proper attention may not be paid to the design and installation of HVAC systems. However, adjustments can be made to current HVAC systems to help balance interior and exterior pressure in existing buildings.


What Is Excessive Negative Building Pressure?

Excessive negative building pressure occurs when HVAC systems in a building draw in more air than they expel. Some clues this may be an issue in a building include difficulty opening doors and keeping interior doors closed.


You should properly prepare jobsites prior to projects.

Before starting a commercial reroofing or other building envelope maintenance project, it is important to properly prepare the jobsite. This includes removing obstacles and debris, making efforts to protect surrounding property, establishing work area boundaries, and installing appropriate signage. A well-prepared jobsite creates a safe and efficient work environment, will help minimize disruptions during the job, and will help ensure successful project completion.


The Importance of Pacing Your Work

Each stage of any large construction project involves many steps. Properly executing the steps within each stage at a safe and deliberate pace and performing them in a specific order is critical to the long-term success of that project. While it certainly takes experience to perform all of the steps in each of these stages properly, the more important factor to understand for building owners is that each of the steps within each stage takes time to perform safely and correctly.


How No-bidding New Construction Pays Off

Owners, architects, and consultants deserve a more-than-fair return on their large investment of time and money on new construction projects. That’s why no-bidding commercial construction projects for general contractors that have a reputation for assigning young Project Managers can be your best defense against the headaches that young PMs mostly create for the contractors who do win the bids for this work.


Why Selective Bidding Pays Off.

Establishing a set of criteria to evaluate construction bidding opportunities will lead to matching the best contractor with the best projects. And this process will lead to the long-term success of the contractor and positive project outcomes for the building owner.


Who’s Responsible for Roof Leaks?

Roofing material suppliers provide a warranty that will cover roof leaks for several years after a roof has been installed. Keep in mind that the length of roof warranties can usually be negotiated before you sign a contract, but what is most important is that you know how long your roof is covered under warranty and how to contact the roof manufacturer in the event of a leak. However, if the leak has been caused by negligent wear and tear of others accessing the roof, you (the owner) will get the bill for the repair.


Making Sure It’s Right–Customer Focused Success Part 5

When there is an issue with a Standard commercial roofing or building envelope project, we are willing to do whatever it takes to ensure that our projects are complete and correct. This has been Standard’s commitment for over 78 years and it will not change.


Jobsite Safety–Customer Focused Success Part 4

Safety is the number one factor that will lead to the successful completion of commercial roofing and building envelope maintenance projects. Because our crews have to work in direct proximity to commercial building occupants, our occupied facility jobsite safety plans have to be holistic.


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