

Jobsite Management–Customer Focused Success Part 3

A sloppy jobsite is not on the list of ways to describe what will likely be a successful project. Words like clean, neat, orderly, safe, and secure are words that would need to be used to describe the jobsites during and after the work day of what will be a successful job.


Job Preplanning–Customer Focused Success Part 2

When it comes to roof replacements and other building envelope maintenance projects on occupied facilities, proper job preplanning can help mitigate many potential issues before the job even starts.


Low bid contractors. Here today, gone tomorrow.

If it is important for you to work with commercial contractors that do what they say they will do and can prove they will stand behind their work, apply extra scrutiny to low bid contractors. Or, use these strategies up front to eliminate trying to evaluate if low bid contractors can deliver.


Never Ruin an Apology with an Excuse

When an apology includes the word “but” it is not an apology at all. It is an attempt to make an excuse or justify an organization's actions (or inactions). Customers hate excuses and ruining an apology with an excuse is, well, inexcusable.


Firing For Lack of Integrity—Integrity Matters Part 3

It has been said that integrity has 5 attributes: Dependability, Loyalty, Honesty, Good Judgement, and Respect. If we want our organizations to earn a reputation for having team members who are dependable, loyal, honest, have good judgment, and respect others, it is our job as employers to employ team members who maintain a high level of integrity.


Hiring For Integrity—Integrity Matters Part 2

If we want our organizations to earn a reputation for having team members who have a high level of integrity, it is our job as employers to dig deep in the interview process to find team members who already possess a high level of integrity—who will be dependable, loyal, honest, have good judgment, and respect others.


Does Integrity Matter? - Integrity Matters Part 1

Integrity is the basis for any long-lasting relationship, friendship, or anything else of importance. It has been said that integrity has 5 attributes: Dependability, Loyalty, Honesty, Good Judgement, and Respect. If we want our organizations to earn a reputation for having team members who are dependable, loyal, honest, have good judgment, and respect others, it is our job as employers to employ team members who have integrity.


Clean Up Your Mess!

You may not be able to judge a book by its cover. But based on my experience, you can judge how successful a job will be for the customer and for the contractor by the eye appeal of the jobsite.


Identify Potential Issues Before They Are Problems

A contractor should always consult with the owner, discuss any sensitive property or finishes, then do a walkthrough to identify possible issues, before a problem develops. Proper safety, planning, execution, clean-up, and attention to a customer’s property relates directly to how successful a contractor will be over the long term.


Building Customer Relationships

Standard takes on large projects which require strict safety plans, job progress planning, and organizational oversight. By committing to our niche, and avoiding distractions that would derail our core competencies, we find success.


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